How valuable is your time?

People are often stressed because they don’t have enough time. Managing time is much more than accomplishing a maximum of things in a minimum of time. Often, lack of time stresses us because we don’t have the honesty to admit that our lifestyle is not compatible with our true values. Ask people what is most important to them in life, and they will tell you: family. But how much time and energy do they devote to their family? Usually very little.

When we are aware of our true values, we can give meaning to our lives, choose the job that suits us and devote more time to the things that bring us satisfaction and happiness. While four hours of a job you hate is really hard on you, you’ll have no trouble spending 18 hours on a job you enjoy.

However, it is not easy to identify your true values. Here are a few tips that can help you.

Complete the following statements:

Before I die, I would like …………………………………………
I hate that …………………………………………
………………………………………… is a person I really admire.
I deserve …………………………………………
The world needs more …………………………………………

Ask yourself the following questions:

What would I do differently if I only had six months to live?
With whom and where would I live if I could choose my ideal companion?
What kind of “work” would I do if salary was not an issue?
What kind of personality would I want to have?

Another way to help you find your true values is to rate the following statements from 1 to 15:
___ Harmonious family life
___ Intimacy with my partner
___ Friendships
___ Good health
___ Peace of mind
___ Altruism
___ Silver
___ Material goods
___ Professional Success
___ Ascending over others
___ Social status
___ Beneficence
___ Creativity – arts, music
___ Talent Development
___ Spiritual life

Once you have established what is really important to you, write your personal “mission statement”, even if it seems a little strange at first. This personal mission statement is your overall life plan. It gives you guidelines rather than formal instructions. For example, you may want to make it your mission to make the most of your talents, to help others, to be completely honest, to be a good and loyal spouse and parent, to contribute to your community, country or the world. In the future, when you think of yourself, use a phrase that describes what you want to be – for example, “I am a person who helps others realize their potential.

You can then set goals that follow this direction and be better able to achieve them!

If you are clear about your values and goals in life, your choice will be much easier the next time you have to make an important decision, because you will know immediately whether or not your choice matches your values. We feel good about ourselves when we are in harmony with our goals, but we feel bad when we are not. The conflict this creates in our minds can affect our health and weight.

If you want your life to be empty and meaningless and feel constantly stressed and depressed, look for possessions, money, power and security or live only according to the expectations of others or society. If, on the contrary, you want to live a rich life with joy and happiness, then define your values and build your life around them.

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JF Larocque
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