Eye, Women, Watching
By answering this psychological questionnaire honestly, you will first be able to evaluate in a concrete way your mental image, i.e. how you appreciate yourself as a human being, and then to follow your evolution each month.
For each question asked, write down on a separate sheet of paper (which you will keep for later comparison) the number that most closely corresponds to what you think or feel.
For this test to have value, answer spontaneously and sincerely, without the help of another person. Remember, there is no right or wrong answer. You are simply trying to get to know yourself better in order to grow.
Keep your answers and your result to yourself. You don’t have to show them to anyone. This is a personal program.
Question 1
I feel like I’m going nowhere in life. My life is pointless.
0 I don’t agree at all.
1 I somewhat disagree.
2 I somewhat agree.
3 I strongly agree.
Question 2
People around me think I’m successful, but it doesn’t bring me any personal satisfaction.
0 I do not agree at all.
1 I somewhat disagree.
2 I somewhat agree.
3 I strongly agree.
Question 3
I participate in very few activities and never without being completely sure that I will succeed.
0 I do not agree at all.
1 I somewhat disagree.
2 I somewhat agree.
3 I strongly agree.
Question 4
I tend to be a protestor, I like to defend lost causes.
0 I don’t agree at all.
1 I tend to disagree.
2 I agree a little.
3 I completely agree.
Question 5
It is often my fault when things don’t work out well.
0 I don’t agree at all.
1 I somewhat disagree.
2 I somewhat agree.
3 I strongly agree.
Question 6
I easily criticize others.
0 I do not agree at all.
1 I tend to disagree.
2 I agree a little.
3 I completely agree.
Question 7
I find it very difficult to make friends.
0 I strongly disagree.
1 I tend to disagree.
2 I somewhat agree.
3 I strongly agree.
Question 8
It is useful in life to be suspicious of others.
0 I do not agree at all.
1 I rather disagree.
2 I agree a little.
3 I completely agree.
Question 9
I feel inferior to others, I rarely do anything well.
0 I strongly disagree.
1 I somewhat disagree.
2 I somewhat agree.
3 I completely agree.
Question 10
I am very sensitive, I often attack even before being attacked.
0 I do not agree at all.
1 I tend to disagree.
2 I agree a little.
3 I completely agree.
Question 11
I am very concerned about what others think of me.
0 I strongly disagree.
1 I somewhat disagree.
2 I somewhat agree.
3 I strongly agree.
Question 12
In everything I do, I must prove that I am the best.
0 I strongly disagree.
1 I somewhat disagree.
2 I somewhat agree.
3 I strongly agree.
Question 13
It’s always the same people who succeed, I’ve never had any luck.
0 I don’t agree at all.
1 I tend to disagree.
2 I somewhat agree.
3 I completely agree.
Question 14
Those who are successful in our society are often cheaters or selfish.
0 I do not agree at all.
1 I somewhat disagree.
2 I somewhat agree.
3 I strongly agree.
Evaluating the results
Now add up the numbers you wrote.
If you have between 0 and 10 points, and you answered the questions honestly, you have an excellent mental image of yourself. You are probably doing very well in everything you do. If you have a weight problem, you are probably losing touch with your body.
If you have between 11 and 14 points, you are normal and in the top 20% of people who have a good mental image of themselves. Keep trying and keep the positive in you. You can succeed in anything you do. Remember that the human person is dynamic in the sense that he or she can change every day. Don’t neglect yourself!
If you have between 15 and 22 points, your mental image would benefit from improvement. Don’t hesitate to do everything you can to develop yourself.
If you have more than 23 points, you are really not feeling well. You must have difficulty succeeding at many of the things you do. Don’t despair! As high as your scores may be, you can improve and see a tremendous change in the next few months. However, this improvement will not happen by itself. You must do everything you can. Read and reread this book several times, as well as the other two books in the trilogy, Losing weight through motivation and Losing weight through emotional control. Exercise. Don’t hesitate to consult a health professional, doctor or psychologist, who is interested in this field. You are worth the effort and your life can be different from the one you have lived so far.”
What type of personality are you?
Using the questionnaire you just completed, you can determine your personality type. Add up the results of questions 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13.
If you have between 0 and 4 points, you are not at all passive, i.e. you are not a person who suffers without reacting.
If you have between 5 and 7 points, you are normal in terms of passivity. But be careful to always set goals and go for them.
If you have between 8 and 10 points, you have an aspect of your personality that is passive. Beware of this! Any excuse seems to be good enough to justify you not going for it and not taking charge of your life.
If you have more than 10 points, you are very passive. You are your own paralyzing agent. Get all the tools you need and get psychological help to get through this. There is something to do, but don’t delay! Develop the desire to change and improve yourself. Miracles do not exist, but if you want to, with the right help, you can succeed.
Now add up your results from questions 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14.
If you have between 0 and 4 points, you are not an aggressive person at all, who attacks even without being threatened.
If you have between 5 and 7 points, you are normal in terms of aggressiveness. But be careful to always direct your energy towards positive and rewarding goals.
If you have between 8 and 10 points, you have an aspect of your personality that is aggressive. Beware of it! Your misdirected energy can destroy you. Choose personal, rewarding goals and do not compete with others. This book will be a perfect guide for you.
If you have more than 10 points, you are very aggressive. You have a lot of energy, but it is poorly channeled and poisons your life. Do everything you can to better direct this energy and blossom serenely. Call in a professional.
When analyzing yourselves, almost half of you will realize that you have a mixed personality, that is to say half passive, half aggressive. This is normal. Know where your weaknesses are and put into practice the techniques I suggest.
Once a month, take the test again without looking at your previous results. You may feel that your answers will not be any different, but if you have practiced the techniques I have taught you, you will be very surprised at the results. Don’t rely on your impressions, go ahead and do it once a month. You will be able to monitor your progress and if you don’t, it will force you to work harder to change.
Excerpt From: Dr. Maurice Larocque books